Ingesting Sharadar Files

Before being processed within the Zipline pipeline, a new data set needs to be preliminarily ingested into a data bundle of the Zipline data layer. Each data bundle is located in a dedicated folder having a common structure consisting of the SQLite database and a collection of bcolz data files.

The following code snippets illustrate the user interface implemented by the fsharadar module for ingesting Sharadar Equity Prices (SEP) and Daily Metrics of Core US Fundamental Data. In accordance to the Zipline approach, the interface is defined via the method ingest(). Contrary to Zipline, the signature of this method is bundle-specific and includes additional arguments for specifying names of the Sharadar csv files.

Ingesting US Equity Prices

The Sharadar data collection with US Equity Prices consists of three files: Tickers, SEP and Actions. The Tickers file contains the asset identifier, ticker name, and additional metadata, such as asset category (e.g. Common Domestic Stock). The SEP file provides the split-adjusted open, high, low, close, (OHLC) end-of-day prices and volumes. Finally, Actions adds information about splits and dividends. All these files are processed together for producing and storing the corresponding data bundle flounder-sharadar-sep with computed unadjusted prices.

from fsharadar import sep

sharadar_tickers_file = "./SHARADAR_TICKERS.csv"
sharadar_sep_file = "./SHARADAR_SEP.csv"
sharadar_actions_file = "./SHARADAR_ACTIONS.csv"

except Exception as e:
    print('error:', e)

Ingesting Daily Metrics of Core US Fundamental Data

Sharadar Daily Metrics contains a daily set of six charachteristics: enterprise value (ev), enterprise value over EBIT (evebit), enterprise value over EBITDA (evebitda), market capitalization (marketcap), price to book value (pb), price earnings (pe), and price sales (ps). Based on the FSharadar extension, they are maintained as the flounder-sharadar-daily data bundle and can be ingested and subsequently loaded into the Zipline pipeline with the fsharadar.daily module.

from fsharadar import daily

sharadar_tickers_file = "./SHARADAR_TICKERS.csv"
sharadar_daily_file = "./SHARADAR_DAILY.csv"

except Exception as e: